Skateland logo
    2451 Windsor Spring Rd.      Augusta, GA 30906      706-796-4048

Work Friendly Hours:
Every Sunday 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

$10 to Skate                $8 to listen

(cash only for admissions!)

Good Music !

A full Snack Bar is available.

DJs rotate weekly. Here is the line up for the next few weeks.

February 2025

February 2 - DJ Chef Cee "Old School" 

February 9 - DJ Chef Cee "Old School"

February 16Mister DJ "E" (Alex) -DJ 's Choice

February 23 -Mister DJ "E" (Alex) -DJ 's Choice

March 2025

March 2 - DJ Chef Cee "Old School" 

March 9 - DJ Chef Cee "Old School"

March 16 Split Night!!!!! - Mister DJ "E" and Chef "C"

March 23Mister DJ "E" (Alex) -DJ 's Choice

March 30 -Mister DJ "E" (Alex) -DJ 's Choice


7pm – 11pm Sunday Night Adult Skating is $10.

Wearing Adult Night T-shirt is $8.

To listen is $8.

You must be 18 with an ID to attend.

Skating isn't just for kids! Grown-ups rock the Adult Skate Nights at Skateland!

No alcohol, no tobacco products or vaping is allowed.

Skateland of Augusta
2451 Windsor Spring Road
Augusta, GA 30906

706-796-4048 for additional information.